Monday, November 28, 2016


Hello from Bogor!

Yes, I took my day off to visit Bogor because apparently reaching Bogor is quite easy with train (Sukabumi-Bogor) which happens to leave 3 times a day, within 2 hours trip. This is my first experience with train and I find the executive class is somehow comfortable (50k on weekdays) while it's quite crowded at the economy class (20k). 

So I visit this fun and humble eatery called Yelo Eatery, finding this one excites me much because God know, I miss brunch! I can not say living in Sukabumi is not fine, but they do not this kind of food which is my favorite. I google through Yelo's menu and give me thrilled when I see 'all day brunch' on the menu!

Fun colorful wall is one main attraction here. Yellow and blue are surely a good match, expelling young and energetic atmosphere. They have good lighting, too! The big window give the hot ambiance to this place, but I still love it tho. 

So apparently I am lucky to visit them because currently they're having promo buy 2 get 3. Buying 2 main courses will give you one free meal they've chosen for you ( they have french toast, salad, etc). Such a good deal! I am having quite a hard time to decide what to try because honestly everything looks good by their description on the menu. 


My friend is a big fan of Rosti and she loves it! It is entertaining my taste bud as well! Australian beef patty is tender and thick, with melted cheese and egg on top. I am not a big fan of beef, I do not have any complain with theirs. Everything taste really really good on each other. I find their rosti is quite oily but seasoning is nice. So it's forgiven I guess. Portion is generous too! This kind of goodness for only IDR 50k is such a good deal!


Yeah I am big fan of grilled cheese and by looking at it on the meny drolls me much. They're using this thick wheat bread (may be for healthier effect) and tasty cheese inside. The thick bread somehow really make me full, eating two pieces of it can stop me from eating anything else. I prefer thinner bread with thicker cheese, but still. this one is alright!


I find their french toast is a bit weird. Tasty fried eggy bread, topped with maple syrup, but having scrambled egg on top! French toast supposed to be sweet, so the scrambled egg kinda confuse me a little bit. I end up eating it separately, having the egg with the tasty strawberry jam and caramelized apple and eat the scrambled egg with addition of salt and pepper to make it better. So here's my advice: sweet and salty do not work on this plate.

So after all Yelo Eatery is one enjoyable eatery with and bright ambiance. Love love all the vibrant colors, good food, and service too. I know that eateries in Bogor city is developing, many new cafes are popping here and there, I believe that they, with this consistency, will surely survive. 
Ps: Will definitely come back to try another menus. 

Jl. Pajajaran Indah Raya no. 5 Bogor Tengah, Bogor
West Java
Opening hours: 10am-10pm

Best regards,
Jessica Christy Limanjaya

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